DANCE CLASSES RESUME MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH! As we head into our 2022-2023 season, we have developed our own set of guidelines that will be observed this season.
• First and foremost, if your dancer has a fever or is sick in any way, please do not send them to the studio!
• Hand sanitizer is available throughout the studio and is encouraged to be utilized.
• The waiting room will be closed to guests and has permanently been converted to a student lounge so all students will be dropped off and picked up at the front of the building. Younger students will be escorted in and out by an instructor or assistant. If 2 or 3-year-old students need a parent to escort them in initially, we will allow one parent in to do that but then ask for the parent to wait in their car but you will be notified by text if you need to come back in for any reason. We realized that having the students in the building on their own has given them a sense of independence and focus that we have never experienced before! So in light of that, we will schedule 2 peek weeks during the year when parents can come in to see a little of the class and what the students are working on.
• Per the Salem Board of Health, masks are optional for all students & instructors, regardless of vaccination status until further notice. At that time, we will follow the guidance of the CDC and Salem BOH and keep everyone updated. Even though the mask mandate is dropped, anyone can wear a mask if they choose to.
• If a student starts to not feel well during class, we will call the parent to inform and we will take their temp. If it is 100.4 or higher, we will ask that the student be picked up. We want to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved so we hope this will be one step in that process!
• Besides dance shoes, students are only allowed to bring in a water bottle to the studio. No food will be allowed so please have your dancer eat a snack in the car on the way to or from the studio. Unless a snack is medically necessary.
• For continued safety, we are running HEPA filters in each dance room and the student lounge!
We hope everyone understands how difficult it is to develop a plan that keeps everyone safe and happy, but we are committed to doing everything we can to keep our studio and all of our students dancing this season!
Miss Seanna & Miss Susan