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Subject-verb agreement is an essential rule of grammar that every writer must know. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. In English, the verb must always agree with the subject in terms of number and tense. This article will focus on subject-verb agreement for the verb “is.”

The verb “is” is the third-person singular present tense of the verb “to be.” It is used when referring to a single person, place or thing. For example, “The cat is sleeping” or “Sarah is a doctor.” The subject-verb agreement for “is” is straightforward – it must agree with a singular subject in terms of number and tense.

Here are some examples of correct subject-verb agreement for “is”:

– The dog is barking.

– My mother is cooking lunch.

– The sun is shining.

In each of these examples, the singular subject agrees with the singular verb “is.”

However, sometimes it can be tricky to determine what the subject of a sentence is, especially when there are modifiers or compound subjects involved. In these cases, it is essential to identify the true subject of the sentence to ensure proper subject-verb agreement.

For example:

– The boy with the green backpack is running to catch the bus.

In this sentence, the true subject is “boy,” not “backpack,” even though “backpack” is closer to the verb. Therefore, the sentence should be:

– The boy with the green backpack is running to catch the bus.

Another common mistake is when the subject and verb are separated by phrases or clauses that interrupt the sentence. In these cases, it is crucial to identify the subject and make sure the verb agrees with it.

For example:

– The cat, along with the dog, is sleeping in the sun.

In this sentence, the subject is “cat,” and the verb “is” must agree with it, even though there is a phrase following it. Therefore, the sentence should be:

– The cat, along with the dog, is sleeping in the sun.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement for “is” is a fundamental grammar rule that every writer must understand. Remember to identify the singular subject of the sentence and ensure that the verb “is” agrees with it in terms of number and tense. By following this rule of grammar, your writing will be clear, precise, and easy to read.